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Weekly Horoscopes

05th January 2025


Mar 21 - Apr 20

This weekend, the Sun in Capricorn sextile to Saturn in Pisces, brings the ambition that Capricorn brings and mixes it with dreamy Pisces, so expect the unexpected and you’ll still be in for a surprise. Don’t be afraid of wearing your heart on your sleeve. I see, it can be the making of you!


Apr 21 - May 21

This year begins with the moon transiting Aquarius and brings with it the need for us to fight for that love and all we want out of life. Dare to dream big, for you have the backing of the stars to make the impossible, possible. You must not be afraid to aim higher. You’ve been doing what you think looks right instead of what feels right.


May 22 - June 21

You begin this new year with more of a working week than a personal one, but this is not a bad thing. It is all getting you closer to closing an important chapter which can help you raise both your game and your profile. Long distance contact brings news which is sure to surprise but will also please you in the long run.


June 22 - July 23

Venus enters Pisces until February 4th. This brings emotions to the fore. You’re more sensitive to the needs of others. Don’t forget to add that focus to what you want and need too! You’ve been trying to work out what everyone else is going to do, instead of planning what your next move should be.


July 24 - Aug 23

Mars turns retrograde in Leo, opposite Pluto in Aquarius and you’re spending too much time thinking and not enough time doing. Think about what you want to happen next, rather than just allowing others to carry you on the back of their journey. It’s how you’ll turn your dreams into a reality. It’s also how you’ll make life more interesting.


Aug 24 - Sept 23

Mercury enters Capricorn until January 28th. This practical approach you are now taking in your life helps you to have the talks that you went out of your way to avoid over Christmas. You discover that what you no longer want, is what others also want to change. Luck is on your side as the planets highlight that it’s ok for you to take chances.


Sept 24 - Oct 23

Younger faces in your life prove time consuming, annoying and expensive. Is that it then? No, but it is the beginning of a new phase of your relationships which is sure to bring you both closer together.. Something that happened over Christmas, has still not been tied up, but can be, if you make ‘that’ phone-call.


Oct 24 - Nov 22

Mars turns retrograde and enters Cancer until April 19th. You’re ready to take action to get what you want and there’s not a sign who can stand in your way. Review first please, what you want now, compared to what you wanted last year. Much has changed and options have improved. You’re about to discover you can afford to aim much much higher.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

You’re slowly but surely starting to mix with a different sort of crowd and this week, as this fact becomes more obvious, you begin to get a negative reaction from the jealous friends who don’t want to lose you. Talk, don't shout, or you are going to make yourself look like the guilty party.


Dec 22 - Jan 20

There has been so much happening in your inner circle in recent weeks, that you must have found it hard to even think about your work. You must though Capricorn, as this week offers you the chance to side step into a different area of your work which you’re sure to find both interesting and stimulating.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

You’ve not got the support that you want for a change that you want to make. Have you thought about the fact that you’re going the wrong way about trying to get others on board? Try a different approach? Mars, the planet of change and agility, is giving you the backing you need to talk anyone into anything, so use it well.


Feb 20 - Mar 20

Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. You’ve been confused by what you now realise was others empty words and the more you talk to others, the more confused you are becoming. Don’t be afraid to step back and cut ties where you know situations can no longer serve you. This is your life story to write, isn’t it?

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