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Weekly Horoscopes

20th January 2025


Mar 21 - Apr 20

Mercury in Capricorn, sextile to Neptune in Pisces. You realise that in order to keep in a certain person's heart, you’re going to have to make some changes, you have so far resisted. Compromise is your best friend and can set a pace, which sees a joint dream becoming your reality.


Apr 21 - May 21

Venus meets Saturn in Pisces and you’re ready to get serious about a situation, you now know, has hold of your heart. Structure is what good old Saturn brings, as well as deals which close ones won’t believe upon first hearing. Look out for a compatible new work contact you’ll meet through a social event.


May 22 - June 21

The Sun meets Pluto in Aquarius. This brings out the need in you to see facts for yourself. There has been so much for you to cope with recently that I bet that you don’t know where to start when tackling life this new year, do you Gemini? Be nice to all new faces you meet in work this week as you’re sure to meet them again in the not too distant future.


June 22 - July 23

Mercury in Capricorn, opposite to Mars retrograde in Cancer, requires you to be careful what you say to close ones and even those you meet for the first time. Let others speak first and give those around you the time and space they need to reveal why they’re going to be such an asset and not a threat to your happiness.


July 24 - Aug 23

Mercury in Capricorn, sextile to Saturn in Pisces brings a better level of understanding. Relationships you were ready to give up on, are given fresh inspiration, by actions others take of their own accord. Stop looking at the negative and start looking at the positive. Strange names you talk to, hold the key to a memory you will never forget.


Aug 24 - Sept 23

The Sun enters Aquarius and you stop looking to the past for answers and start focusing on the future. Be you, all you. After all, everyone else is already taken! Life is starting to change and your routine is unlikely to ever be the same again after the events which will play out this week.


Sept 24 - Oct 23

Mercury enters Aquarius until February 14th and it’s no longer time to think about what should happen next, but it’s a time to take action and show to others, you can back up what you say and that you’re not just all talk. Not a time to go along with what you don’t really want.


Oct 24 - Nov 22

Mercury in Capricorn, trine to Uranus retrograde in Taurus, allows you to explore new ideas and not to follow what others class as the norm. Expect to find yourself looking up destinations, which would never have come to mind last year. Be bold, be brave, for this is your chance to take back control of the life you want to lead.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Wednesday’s new Moon in Aquarius, in conjunction with Pluto, disrupts plans, in travel, finances and work. You can however make better headway at home, if you listen as well as speak, my friend. From here on in you start to take a fresh view of life and you distance yourself from those you know were using you.


Dec 22 - Jan 20

On Sunday, Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus retrograde in Taurus and you find yourself drawn to those who are not your usual type. Are you experimenting, or finding your true kind? By the end of this week, you’ll know for sure. You’re in demand and you find yourself bumping into people you did not expect to see. Is this an accident? I doubt it!


Jan 21 - Feb 19

Mars retrograde in Cancer, sextile to Uranus retrograde in Taurus, sees you thinking more about the past and those you shared yours with. Two planets in retrograde, sees you ready to take on board new ideas to build a future you’re going to love to live. Seek the advice of those you trust and work on completing what you’ve already started rather than beginning a new project.


Feb 20 - Mar 20

On Wednesday, Mercury meets Pluto in Aquarius and you must not rule out ideas others offer, which you would normally think are outside of your comfort zone. Others offer these words as they know you’re capable of great things. Forms signed at this time are the start of great things.

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