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Daily Horoscopes

07th March 2025


Mar 21 - Apr 20

You’re allowing past arguments to get to you, when it’s the present you should be focusing on. Use what occurred as experience as what not to do next time. You’re not supposed to know everything, so give yourself the space and time needed to digest and decide what you want to happen next.


Apr 21 - May 21

The need to stretch yourself both professionally and personally sees you saying yes to things, which are usually outside of your comfort zone. Yes, I know earth signs like to be in control, but from today you realise it’s only by trying things others’ way, that you’ll know if you like where they’re going.


May 22 - June 21

A close one wants to clear the air as much as you do, Gemini, so don’t be afraid to offer an olive branch today. Working as a team will be (and always was) the key to your success in your personal life. It’s time for you to trust, fall, or move on. They regret what occurred as much as you do.


June 22 - July 23

News you receive unexpectedly, gives you reason to plan an exciting trip. You’re not ruled by what others think you should do, but a more independent nature sees you unafraid to lead the way and know that those who are meant to share you, will.


July 24 - Aug 23

You’re feeling like you’re being pulled in too many different directions. You’re trying to please everyone, but in the mayhem you’ve lost your way to where you want to go. Family meetings and talks prove emotional but also cathartic.


Aug 24 - Sept 23

Reconciliations are well starred and you begin to feel as if you know yourself so much better since the start of the year, than you have in the last decade. Flirtations in the workplace come at a price, so think before you act, my friend.


Sept 24 - Oct 23

You did not expect life to take such a strange turn but here we are! Be of the mind, that you will do what you can, with what you have and keep honesty to the fore. Time spent with Leo’s help you better understand a family member's recent actions.


Oct 24 - Nov 22

Have you ever considered the fact that you may be overthinking your problems, Scorpio? Patience you show with others' plans, does much to improve your faith and confidence. Check addresses needed as confusion is more than likely.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

It is a more positive you that I write to than the archer who has been throwing their toys out the pram. Your problem was not in getting what you wanted, but the timing that others have given you. Today you realise why time is essential to the success you both seek.


Dec 22 - Jan 20

It is the difficult tasks ahead of you that can grant you the most success. You’re more aware now of what you want professionally in order to be happy in your job. Don’t rule out taking advice from the more naive signs today. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question to better see our options.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

Time seems to be a problem for you today, as does timings for the upcoming weekend. Something which has become a habit no longer gives you joy, but still takes your finances. Don’t be afraid to change your routine from this weekend. Others will follow, if you lead.


Feb 20 - Mar 20

You don’t need to think about what to do next, but you’re feeling your way through life. You’ve realised that if you’re happy, then those who really matter, will be happy too. You’re not afraid to stand your ground on a financial matter relating to work and rightly so.

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