Through history and across cultures, angels have been known as divine protectors, guides and messengers. Knowledge of angels isn't limited to any one faith or belief, because these messengers from the Universe reach their infinite grace, love and compassion to all of us, and an open heart is all that's needed to show our readiness to welcome these beautiful blessings into our lives.
One of the most well known kinds of angels are guardian angels. Each one of us has a primary guardian angel who has been uniquely assigned to us from the moment of our birth. They have the spiritual mission of serving and protecting you on your journey along the path of life. Your guardian angel is a spiritual warrior, lending their strength to your own to fight by your side in every battle or challenge that life could bring.
Your guardian angel is a conduit between you and the Universe who loves you unconditionally and will never abandon you. They always suggest the right thing to do and the right path to follow, but they can't make those decisions for you. However, when your heart makes a decision about life, your guardian angel also fights by your side to inspire you to reach the best possible outcome, be that in love, work, at home, or any element of your personal or spiritual life.
Another well known kind of angels are archangels. These are the most powerful of all angels, looking over all of humanity and creation, unlike our guardian angels who are personally assigned to us. The angels whose names are widely known across the Earth, like Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, are archangels connected with the very highest forms of universal truth and compassion, and can be sought for guidance and protection anywhere in our lives.
Connecting to our angels can be one of the most spiritually profound experiences of our lives, opening up a divine, perfect and loving relationship that inspires us to fulfill our spiritual potential and come into alignment with our higher will.
If you'd like to connect to your angels, start with a simple act of intention setting. Take a moment each day to invite your angels, silently or verbally, to stand with you and lend you their support. This can be as simple as saying "Angels, please be with me today and bring your love and guidance into my heart."
Including your angels in your meditative practice can also help strengthen your connection. Spend a few minutes each day visualising the white, protective light of your angels all around you while focusing on feeling and experiencing their loving presence. You may feel an increased sense of calm, warmth, or gentle tingling when focusing on angelic presence.
You can also ask your angels to show you signs to let you know they're with you. Many people find that angel numbers - repeated or sequential numbers, like 111, 123, or 777 - remind them of the comforting presence of their angels. Keep an open mind, because angelic signs can show up unexpectedly and in many forms, including symbols, dreams, or synchronicities.