Your soul family is a deeply loving team of people in spirit who connect to us on the Earth to bring us their guidance, love, and healing. You might hear about different types of people who belong to your soul family, such as your spirit guides, ancestors, and relatives in heaven. Although they go by lots of different names, they are all here to stand guard over you, your life's path, all your dreams and those of everyone you grow to love in life.
A spirit guide is someone in heaven who lived on the Earth once. People who spend a lot of time close to our heart, like dearly departed relatives, feel the love that we have for them as strongly in heaven as they did every day of their life. When the angels have healed them of all their earthly burdens, they can have anything their soul wishes, and what their soul usually wants is to stay in touch with their loved ones on the Earth and be a part of all of their hardships and celebrations just the same.
However, some of our guides in heaven are relatives who we didn't know in life, but who have more of an ancestral connection to us. You are loved by your ancestors in heaven, and even those who didn't get to meet you in life have still been looking over you in your challenges and dreams, counselling you and bringing you the wisdom of all the generations of your family on a daily basis. Ancestors who guide us in this way are often blessed with incredible willpower and have reached an ascended enough state on their soul's journey as to be incredible, positive, enlightening influences on us in our own journeys.
11 is the spirit number that represents a connection with your guides and your soul family, so if you see 11 a lot, such as 11:11 on clock faces, this is a sign that someone who loves you has a message for you. Keep your eyes open for familiar markers, such as a name, or catching a scent that makes you think of a passed loved one, or a reminder of something that was special to only the two of you.
It's also very common to have conversations with our soul family in dreams, especially when there's something particularly important that they want to say to us directly. When someone from your soul family is there, in waking life or in your dreams, know that they never mean any harm, but that they're looking out for you in all that you do and keeping your focus steady in all parts of life.
Your soul family think the world of you and will always come to your side if you're in need. They might direct you to focus on areas of your life that they feel need attention, or encourage you to take a chance that's coming your way, but their greatest wish is to connect you to your spiritual power to manifest all of the possibilities that this life can bring you.