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SP: Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk - or call 0208 712 5690
You must be 18+ and be the bill payer or have the bill payers’ permission to use this service. Service details will appear on bill. All calls are recorded.
Cannot discuss Health, Pregnancy, Finance or Legal. Entertainment Only.
SP: Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk - or call 0208 712 5690
You must be 18+ and be the bill payer or have the bill payers’ permission to use this service. Service details will appear on bill. All calls are recorded.
Cannot discuss Health, Pregnancy, Finance or Legal. Entertainment Only.
SP: Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk - or call 0208 712 5690

Get Control Of Your Life!

With the daily struggles of everyday life now so many of us live day to day accepting our life as it comes. We tolerate average relationships, demanding jobs and challenging home lives with the thinking that if we carry on just ticking along everything will be fine. How often to you take time out to re-evaluate your life and think about what you can do to improve it?

The Time is Now…

Summer is the perfect time to spring clean your life and make the changes you feel necessary to improve on your current situation! Getting control of various aspects of your life will help you to plan the stepping stones to creating a better future for you and your family. Whether there are instant changes you can make or start to focus on long-term plans, you are already taking the first steps to a positive frame of mind.

Money makes the world go around…

This is not strictly true! But certainly getting control of your finances will help you to invest in your future. If the idea of checking your bank balance on a daily basis frightens you then think of the long-term benefits and the fact that you are ‘on top’ of knowing exactly how much you have to spend and can plan ahead. Consolidating debts or paying back a little more of your credit card each month will give you the feel good factor and the reassurance that you are actively working on improving your situation. If you can also put a little money away each month, then this encourage you to start saving and as time flies by you will be building up a nice reserve to fall back on if needed.

A Loving Balance…

Do you have a good relationship? All relationships should be balanced in love, support and respect. Finding the balance can be quite tricky and many partnerships can fall into a habit of one partner overbearing the relationship while the other accepts it. If you are the accepting one, earn back your self-respect by showing your partner that you are an equal and that any decisions and plans should be made by both of you. If you put your partner on a pedestal then they will ultimately control the relationship. Know that there would not be a relationship without you, you are just as important! The biggest aspect to any relationship is communication. Without communication, a partnership is likely to go wrong at some point so make the positive steps to open up and talk to your partner on a regular basis. If you are not familiar with this it may feel strange at first but once you get used to it, you will be building the solid foundations for a lifetime together.

Work, Life, Balance…

Stuck in a job that doesn’t bring you satisfaction can be demotivating and dull. We spend most of our life working so it’s really important to be happy in what you do. Your working environment will affect your performance and your enthusiasm for your job, so if you have an overly demanding boss or have to put up with petty daily politics that grind you down, it may be time for a change. The economy has pressurised employers to overload people with responsibilities and tasks that may leave you feeling undervalued and disrespected. Whilst there is a fine line to accepting your role, this must not be confused with knowing what is unreasonable. Write a list of the pro’s and con’s with your job, look at what could be adapted and discussed with your employer. Think about whether if you looked for a new job, would you be likely to find some as suitable or more suitable to your aspirations, travel to work etc. If you are unsatisfied with your working daily life, you need to decide whether something can be changed in your current role or if it’s time to make a change.

Self Empowerment…

Remember our psychics are experienced in helping people to make important life changes, no matter how big or small. Not only can they advise you on your current circumstances but can give you clarity and insight for your future so that you move forwards with confidence in making the right decision

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